The calendar says Spring is here. I’m optimistically enthusiastic that flowers will come out soon. Spring is a new opportunity for growth in all the natural world. What about you and your organization? How do you respond to new opportunities?
Read MoreNice words, ugly words, kind words, curse words, thankful words, sad words, positive words, negative words. . . What kind of words you use, said with what tone of voice, at what time, and how many of them. . . it all matters. Whether the environment of your business is productive and uplifting or negative and miserable depends, in great measure, on the words you use.
Read MoreMost workplaces I visit, and couples I work with, acknowledge the need for open communication. Yet, lack of open communication is one of the main problems people tell me they face. What is going on?
In my experience, there is one issue that is often overlooked. If you want to promote and facilitate open conversations, you have to build a safe place. In this week’s blog we share what a safe place looks like.
Read MoreFather’s Day always provides a great opportunity to reflect on the kind of Father you had growing up and what you learned from him. I recently visit my father, Israel Gonzalez, in Altamonte Springs, FL and remembered anew the many lessons I learned from him. Today I want to share some of those lessons with you
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Most workplaces I visit, and couples I work with, acknowledge the need for open communication. Yet, lack of open communication is one of the main problems people tell me they face. What is going on?
In my experience, there is one issue that is often overlooked. If you want to promote and facilitate open communication, you have to build a safe place. In this week’s blog we share what a safe place for communication looks like.
Read MoreIf you want to have more influence, to inspire, and to unite people toward a common goal, this post is for you. Whether it is at work or at home, you can learn a lot about effective communication from how great leaders applied effective communication.
Read MoreIn a dampened economy full of uncertainties and turmoil, innovation is very much present in executives minds. But here is the problem. In the face of uncertainty and complex challenges people tend to feel stuck and overwhelmed. As a result, they hunker down, and resist transformation, which is the only way to get to innovation. See what’s needed.
Read MoreLeading teams is about creating opportunities for conversation. Talk may be cheap, but genuine conversation is priceless. Your leadership voice is heard in conversation. You can’t generate smart ideas, creatively solve problems, or influence others without free-spirited conversation.
Read MoreMore and more current research confirms that the best leaders use all of their brains. That includes the “soft” side. They have what has been called emotional intelligence and are not afraid to be compassionate and empathetic, at the same time that they are assertive and decisive. Do you dare to show your soft side?
Read MoreWhere do you and your organization spend most of your time: looking forward or backward? It seems many individuals and organizations spend inordinate amounts of time and energy looking backward. It's as if they consider assigning blame and indulging in recriminations the best use of their time. Reflect on how should you spend your time and best efforts.
Read MoreOn last week’s blog post we established how critical it is for leaders to learn to handle conflict effectively. Part of understanding conflict better is making sure we are not working under faulty thinking. Following are 5 of the most common misconceptions you need to be aware of.
Read MoreJesus is the quintessential leader. Putting religious and spiritual beliefs aside, as a model leader, Jesus practiced the most vital principles of leadership—and he provides an example for leaders to imitate. Easter time is a good moment for reflecting on what I consider the greatest characteristic that made Jesus Christ an incomparable leader.
Read MoreThe calendar says Spring is here. I’m optimistically enthusiastic that flowers will come out soon. Spring is a new opportunity for growth in all the natural world. What about you and your organization? How do you respond to new opportunities?
Read MoreI love words. I like reading them, shaping them into sentences and articles, pondering their meaning, playing with their rhythms, clarifying them, translating them. . . and so on. And yet, words are not enough! See what else you need.
Read MoreWhat makes a boss most successful? A few years back Google undertook a study to find out the answer to that question. what makes a boss most successful. They were surprised by the results. This post shares not only what they found, but specific strategies that can help people deal with complex issues.
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