Do you remember the greatest gift you ever got? Dr. Ada shares here her story and a poem.
Read MoreHolidays can be happy times or tumultuous times. Or a combination! Here are simple and short suggestions for making your life easier during the holidays.
Read MoreThankfulness – the simple response of our heart to this life in all its fullness – goes beyond boundaries of creed, age, vocation, gender, and nation. Even in hard times we can find things to be thankful for. What does thankfulness means to you and what are a few things you are thankful for?
Read MoreIf you want to have more influence, to inspire, and to unite people toward a common goal, this post is for you. Whether it is at work or at home, you can learn a lot about effective communication from how great leaders applied effective communication.
Read MoreFall is officially here and I love fall! We are just starting the season and I'm already anticipating what is to come: the glorious colors displaying nature’s color palette, enhanced by the sunlight. What do the colors of fall have to do with your leadership and your relationships? On this blog I share how differences can be celebrated and optimized instead of becoming a source of conflict and negativity.
Read MoreWhat does Labor Day means to you? For many it’s only the unofficial end of summer, start of the school year and football season, or an extra day off to do stuff around the home and have an excuse for a picnic. What does it means to you as a leader or as a worker?
Read MoreDecision making is traditionally viewed as a rational process where reason calculates the best way to achieve the goal. Research in recent decades reveals that emotions constitute potent, pervasive, predictable, sometimes harmful and sometimes beneficial drivers of decision making.
Read MoreEffective communication costs very little and the results can transform both you and your business. In today’s post, I am going to share the 4 worst communication mistakes. By learning to avoid them, and what to do instead, you will save time and money, your influence will increase and you will have better personal and business relationships too.
Read MoreEverybody would like to have more innovation. But here is the thing, can you forget what you have been taught from Kindergarten and not be afraid of failure? Because the biggest hurdle standing between you and innovation, and your biggest enemy is. . . Fear of failure.
Read MoreMany of the complaints I hear around workplaces that have difficulties with diversity and inclusion have to do with the perception that there is lack of respect. I agree that is a big problem, and so ingrained that many times the only ones that notice it are the ones that are being disrespected. Today I give 4 suggestions on how to develop respect.
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Two words that are very much in vogue nowadays are Diversity and Inclusion, or the lack of it. Today’s blog explores meanings of words and gives special attention to Inclusion, which focuses on making the growing diversity of the workplace function better. It’s about empowerment, engagement, and respect. It is valuing the view points, beliefs, and practices of others.
Read MoreIn a dampened economy full of uncertainties and turmoil, innovation is very much present in executives minds. But here is the problem. In the face of uncertainty and complex challenges people tend to feel stuck and overwhelmed. As a result, they hunker down, and resist transformation, which is the only way to get to innovation. See what’s needed.
Read MoreTeam resilience is the capacity of a group of people to respond to change and disruption in a flexible and innovative manner. In the face of adversity, resilient teams maintain their work productivity while minimizing the emotional toll on their members. Today’s blog focus is on 6 ways you can build individual and team resilience during a crisis.
Read MoreIn coping with the swiftness of the changes sweeping through and disrupting our lives, often our livelihoods right now, let’s dive a little deeper into how to cope. For many folks the disappointments and difficulties are beginning to tip into potential disaster. In today’s blog, discover the 6 C’s of Coping.
Read MoreIt’s challenging enough to manage yourself in quarantine without face-to-face human interaction and the structure of a typical workday. Now add to that the task of managing a team under those conditions, especially when you’ve never done it before. It can be daunting. This week’s post gives suggestions of what can help you be a better leader through a crisis.
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