Unpredictability, friend or foe?

Volcanos tend to be unpredictable and as a result, people get uneasy, since they can’t be sure when or how things can happen around them. Some leaders are like volcanos, unpredictable! In today’s blog we explore the positives and negatives of unpredictability.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Lifelong learning and Change

In today’s world, continuous learning is a survival tool. Otherwise, you would become obsolete in a few months. People who have chosen to be high performers: Doctors, athletes, programmers and leaders who choose to have influence understand that continuous learning is at the heart of what they’ll need to do. For life!

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Ada GonzalezComment
What do you see?

A better question might be, "what do you choose to see?” To get out of automatic and decide to see, to be awake, is the best decision you could make for 2020. Learn why.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Thankfulness Checklist

In the United States we are getting close to a special holiday: Thanksgiving. During Thanksgiving, after a special dinner, very often people engage in the classic go-around-the-room-and-say-what-you-are-grateful-for tradition with whatever group has gathered together. Inevitably some people respond by saying they can’t think of anything to be thankful for. Maybe you have felt that way too. Find out suggestions on how to be better able to find things to be thankful for.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Do you have this kind of courage?

It happens to many people. Something needs to be said, and someone has to say it. It’s not easy to tell the truth, especially if it hurts. Yet, as a leader, or as a married partner, you need to be able to say what others can’t. It can be a very thankless job, albeit a necessary one. Keep reading to discover what is the right thing to do.

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Ada GonzalezComment
9 lessons trees can teach you

Trees are the tallest free-standing organisms in the world. They live longer and become more massive than any other living thing on earth. A few years back we went to visit my son in California and spent time in Yosemite. Besides everything else that makes Yosemite a great place, what’s most abundant and obvious are trees. On this blog post I share my reflections and observations about what trees can teach us. 

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Ada GonzalezComment
How to stop sending mixed messages

Communication is challenging enough without having to deal with mixed messages. The problem with mixed messages is that you are left not knowing which of the messages to believe and/or respond to. Today’s post helps you learn how to send clear messages.

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Ada GonzalezComment