How To Optimize Diversity

Fall is officially here and I love fall! We are just starting the season and I'm already anticipating what is to come: the glorious colors displaying nature’s color palette, enhanced by the sunlight. What do the colors of fall have to do with your leadership and your relationships? On this blog I share how differences can be celebrated and optimized instead of becoming a source of conflict and negativity. 

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Ada GonzalezComment
Memorial Day: Do we still need heroes?

This weekend is Memorial Day in the US. A time to remember those that fought for our ideals. A time to remember heroes and heroines, the recognized ones and the unsung and forgotten. It makes me think: Do we know what a hero is? Do we still need heroes? Do we even believe in heroes and heroines anymore? Keep reading to find out.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Tips For Growing Something New

Each one of us needs a new beginning at some point. No matter how it comes, or in which style, you need to be willing and ready to embrace the new. Today’s blog invites you to take time for the new and vital, and gives you some tips to grow the new.

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Ada GonzalezComment
5 proven steps for dealing with conflict

Each person possesses a unique set of attitudes, ideals, and beliefs that may differ from that of others. Although differences can enrich relationships, sometimes, these personal differences can lead to conflicts. Today I’m sharing a proven step by step process for dealing with conflict.

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Ada GonzalezComment
All Purpose Hands. . .

Hands are the chief organs for physically manipulating the environment. Through the hands, you express the love of doing, of forming for use, and of communicating and relating.

The hand, in expressing the love of doing and communicating is modified by its work. See how many different kinds of hands you can identify in today’s blog.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Don't open your mouth!

We have the ability to communicate our thoughts in real time. We don’t need to plan what we’re going to say beforehand. That is great when we are brainstorming, or when there is an emergency and we need to issue a warning. It can be a problem when what we say on the spur of the moment is something we later wish we had either not said, or said differently.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Overwhelmed? Simplify!

Seems one theme I’m hearing a lot with my clients is how overwhelmed they feel. The interesting part is that when we start unraveling the reasons for feeling overwhelmed many times it’s because their life is too complicated. . .

In a complex world, simplicity wins because it helps your brain be freer to make better decisions. Today I share 3 suggestions on how to simplify:  

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Ada GonzalezComment
Bedroom Bankruptcy! Don’t let the stress from the work destroy your love relationship

We live in a stressful world. And stress is harmful to your sex life! Today I’m answering the question: How can I help my spouse when they are stressed? When dealing with stress as a couple, you are both responsible for your own self-care, AND for finding ways to be a support to your partner. With that understanding, let’s talk about some things that can be helpful.

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Ada GonzalezComment
4 Common Barriers to Effective Communication and how to break them

We all know the frustration of hitting a barrier, a roadblock while traveling. It prevents progress. It usually means a stop in traffic that can extend for miles. In conversations, it's not uncommon for barriers to arise when opinions and worldviews clash. We are human, and because of it, we have an innate need to protect and affirm our beliefs and opinions. Many times this can result in defensive behaviors and uneasy situations. Today we explore communication barriers.

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Ada GonzalezComment