The power of positive words

We are so used to notice the negative and to criticize what is not working well, that we forget how powerful positive words can be. Many studies across disciplines repeatedly confirm: whether in business or in life, positive feedback inspires peak performance. Positive words are powerful!

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Ada GonzalezComment
Leadership Checklist

We have ended the fiscal year. Every business and leader tends to stop, take stock, and see if they need to make any changes for the second part of the year. Except that many times leaders forget to do the same for themselves. Reflection is the only way to learn, change, and find wisdom. Take a look on what to reflect on.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Three common communication myths
I read about them,

 listen to them when I interact with leaders,
I hear them in the media.
Yes, they are myths.

Many executives I work with have believed some or all of these myths at one time or another.

After today, you should be able to recognize them and ban them forever!

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Ada GonzalezComment
My 7 Life Symbols

The Christian tradition, among others, is big on symbols and the number 7. I started wondering what seven symbols would I choose if I wanted to portray what’s important in my life. Here is what I came up with. See if any resonate with you, or come up with your own!

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Ada GonzalezComment
Memorial Day and heroes

This weekend is Memorial Day in the US. A time to remember those that fought for our ideals. A time to remember heroes and heroines, the recognized ones and the unsung and forgotten. It makes me think: Do we know what a hero is? Do we still need heroes? Do we even believe in heroes and heroines anymore? Keep reading to find out.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Women in Leadership

March celebrates Women’s History Month. And March 8th was International Women’s Day. The theme for the day this year was: #ChooseToChallenge. A challenged world is an alert world. Think about the challenges you experience and how you can contribute to more equality.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Open communication requires a safe place

Most workplaces I visit, and couples I work with, acknowledge the need for open communication. Yet, lack of open communication is one of the main problems people tell me they face. What is going on?

In my experience, there is one issue that is often overlooked. If you want to promote and facilitate open communication, you have to build a safe place. In this week’s blog we share what a safe place for communication looks like.

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6 Effective ways to lead with your heart

Great leaders know. . . that head and heart need to work together. Leaders are in an ideal position to bring compassion, purpose, and values back into the workplace. To use the power of the heart for inspiration and connection.

By putting people first, and by encouraging and motivating employees, there will be unlimited wells of creativity, initiative, and productivity. In this blog post Dr. Ada shares how you can lead with the heart.

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Five simple steps to transition into the New Year

The past year has come to a close, and we are at the beginning a fresh New Year! Many of you would prefer not to think about the last year. You want to think that this transition to the New Year brings a time of promise, excitement and renewed dedication to achieve your goals. Think first about clearing your mindset from negativity. Then, to ensure you move forward this year with positivity and effective energy to accomplish your dreams, here are some steps that can help with an easier transition.

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Ada GonzalezComment