I usually encourage the leaders I work with to find leadership lessons from all their daily activities. Halloween makes me think about what leadership lessons can be gained from it. Here are a few I came up with. See if you can find others and share them with us.
Workers represent half the world’s population and are the major contributors to economic and social development. Their health is determined not only by workplace hazards but also by social and individual factors and access to health services.
Why should you find ways to promote a healthy workplace? Dr. Maria Neira says it succinctly in a very practical way: “The wealth of business depends on the health of workers.” (Director, Department of Public Health and Environment, World Health Organization). Find out how to lead a healthier workplace.
Nice words, ugly words, kind words, curse words, thankful words, sad words, positive words, negative words. . . What kind of words you use, said with what tone of voice, at what time, and how many of them. . . it all matters. Whether the environment of your business is productive and uplifting or negative and miserable depends, in great measure, on the words you use.
Your example and inspiration coaching are the most powerful tools for developing your people. See how at 16 years of age Dr. Ada learned how powerful a leading conversation can be.
Innovation is not simple, but there are proven ways in which you can open spaces where being wrong is not a crime, creativity and opportunity can thrive, and where innovation happens as a result. Today I’m sharing with you seven proven secrets that can help you create such spaces.
Today is Labor Day in USA. What does Labor Day mean to you? For many it’s only the unofficial end of summer, the start of the school year and football season, or an extra day off to do stuff around the home and have an excuse for a picnic. What does it mean to you as a leader or as a worker?
Conversations are at the core of what leaders do. Thoughtful, constructive conversations around questions that matter are the heart of leadership--which makes possible the other business processes needed to create positive results.
Conflict is inevitable and can even be healthy. It appears when competing or incompatible options exist. It does not necessarily imply hostility. It is not always a bad thing. In fact, it can also provide benefits.
Be careful in trying to prevent something you perceive as bad, not to end up with a worse deal!
Goals don’t work for me. Why are you talking about goals again? It's part of my mini-series about change. But don't freak out! And don't go away! I’m not repeating the same old stuff you’ve already seen many times after the first week of this new year.
So, stay with me and things will become clear.
Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, perfectionism can help you have high standards and to expect the best from others. On the other hand, perfectionism can be paralyzing.
On this blog with explore how getting rid of perfection and embracing action can help you move forward.
For the month of September, I have chosen the theme of Time to Take Action. Businesses and families are more active after the lazy Summer months. Most people want to do something before the year ends. Therefore, it’s a good time to think about taking action. As a bridge between last month's theme of Rest and Relaxation, for this week I want to focus on how and why Fast action starts slow!
Sometimes people seem paralyzed. For example, they can’t make good decisions about moving forward. Whenever we talk about those situations and look deeper, the most frequent reason for that paralysis is fear. Most people don’t like to recognize their underlying fears, however, until they do, and find a way through the fear, it’s impossible to take action. Today’s blog is about the best antidote to fear.
Mark National Relaxation Day (August 15), on your calendars! This day serves as a reminder to take it easy. Making time for relaxation is not only beneficial for mood but also has long-term benefits. Stress can cause many problems and common illnesses. Leaders who know how to relax have a better handle on their good mental, emotional and physical health.
Life can be very fast pace at times and we all need a day to celebrate like this one. So go ahead, you can let yourself have this day for yourself. You deserve it. Get rid of that hectic lifestyle and enjoy this day.
After reading many research papers about what is the one element that makes the greatest contribution to the success or failure or leaders, there's one that keeps coming up: attitude!
The most important step you can take toward achieving your greatest potential is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.
You don’t have a choice over what life throws your way, but you can always choose your attitude, which will influence your response, and ultimately your success.
Freedom centered leadership is inclusive, encourages openness, self-discipline, humbleness, discipline, and selflessness. It’s ethical, promotes dialogue and collaboration and opens a space that is free of fear. All of which leads to joy, creativity, and innovation. We need today leaders who dare to be freedom-centered, not fear-based, in their leadership.
Being a mom has been, and continues to be, one of the greatest joys of my life. I’ve experienced many highs, suffered through some lows, doubted myself, learned much, and have been stretched to grow in ways I couldn’t have imagined when I first started this journey almost 40 years ago.
As I reflect this mother’s day on the lessons that have taught me to be a better mother, I realize that many of the same principles apply to being a trusted and successful leader. Here are 7 leadership lessons I’ve learned from being a mom. . .
I usually encourage the leaders I work with to find leadership lessons from all their daily activities. With Halloween around the corner it makes sense to think about what leadership lessons can be gained from Halloween. Here are a few I came up with. See if you can find others and share them with us.
Your example and coaching are the most powerful tools for developing your people. See how at 16 years of age Dr. Ada learned how powerful a leading conversation can be.
In the United States of America Independence day is celebrated on the 4th of July. Check out An exploration of what is freedom and how can you manifested in your daily life.
Father’s Day always provides a great opportunity to reflect on the kind of Father you had growing up and what you learned from him. I recently visit my father, Israel Gonzalez, in Altamonte Springs, FL and remembered anew the many lessons I learned from him. Today I want to share some of those lessons with you
Great leaders know. . . that head and heart need to work together. Leaders are in an ideal position to bring compassion, purpose, and values back into the workplace. To use the power of the heart for inspiration and connection.
By putting people first, and by encouraging and motivating employees, there will be unlimited wells of creativity, initiative, and productivity. In this blog post Dr. Ada shares how you can lead with the heart.
Do you remember the greatest gift you ever got? Dr. Ada shares here her story and a poem.
What does Labor Day means to you? For many it’s only the unofficial end of summer, start of the school year and football season, or an extra day off to do stuff around the home and have an excuse for a picnic. What does it means to you as a leader or as a worker?
In a dampened economy full of uncertainties and turmoil, innovation is very much present in executives minds. But here is the problem. In the face of uncertainty and complex challenges people tend to feel stuck and overwhelmed. As a result, they hunker down, and resist transformation, which is the only way to get to innovation. See what’s needed.
More and more current research confirms that the best leaders use all of their brains. That includes the “soft” side. They have what has been called emotional intelligence and are not afraid to be compassionate and empathetic, at the same time that they are assertive and decisive. Do you dare to show your soft side?
Where do you and your organization spend most of your time: looking forward or backward? It seems many individuals and organizations spend inordinate amounts of time and energy looking backward. It's as if they consider assigning blame and indulging in recriminations the best use of their time. Reflect on how should you spend your time and best efforts.
On last week’s blog post we established how critical it is for leaders to learn to handle conflict effectively. Part of understanding conflict better is making sure we are not working under faulty thinking. Following are 5 of the most common misconceptions you need to be aware of.
Conflict is inevitable and can even be healthy. It appears when competing or incompatible options exist. It does not necessarily imply hostility. It is not always a bad thing. In fact, it can also provide benefits.
It’s the time of year in the US when we all remember to give thanks for our many blessings. It’s a good practice. Yet, it seems to me that designating only one day a year to giving thanks is not enough given the power of gratitude!
According to Cicero, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others." Multiple studies have shown the correlation between gratitude and increased wellbeing not only for the individual but for all people involved. At present there is an impressive body of research showing the benefits gratitude has for the health of our brain and heart, our level of happiness, the contribution to a positive work environment, and increased productivity. Find out how you can express more gratitude.