In the psychology world, we use the term “rumination” to refer to negative, repetitive, prolonged, unhelpful thinking. This non-constructive form of rumination is of no help to anyone. With the right tools, you can nip rumination in the bud, and avoid the consequences of negative thought loops. On Today’s blog I want to give you those tools.
Read MoreObviously there are many behaviors that contribute to bad relationships at work or at home. Yet, there is one that is the most powerful relationship killer: NEGATIVITY. New research finds that reducing negativity is the key to getting through tough points in relationships.
Read MoreThe words you write or speak to others can leave a huge impact and create a lasting memory--either good or bad. It's super important to recognize the power of words and choose them wisely. You see, words can make or break a relationship. Your choice of words, and the way you express yourself, can accelerate or kill your career. Words have power!
Read MoreI love words. I like reading them, shaping them into sentences and articles, pondering their meaning, playing with their rhythms, clarifying them, translating them. . . and so on. And yet, words are not enough! See what else you need.
Read MoreLack of sympathy will make you cold and insensitive. It can also hurt others. Too much sympathy allows people to be weaker than they need to be. Keep the right balance!
Read MoreMost people I meet think they know how to listen. What can be more basic than listening? Even if you think you know it all in theory, are you really doing it? Do you really listen to the people around you? Learn 5 ways to be a better listener.
Read MoreMost everyone dislikes the idea of being vulnerable because it makes them think people will perceive them as weak and inept. See how vulnerability can actually be one of the best ways to engender trust and build relationships.
Read MoreFebruary is here. And everybody wants us to think about hearts and love. As with anything good, too much of it makes us either ignore it or hate it. But here is the thing. There is nothing more powerful in the world than the power of a heart full of love.
Read MoreMany people plan, but are already thinking all kind of reasons why their plans will not succeed. For any type of plan to succeed you need to believe it’s possible. When you believe in possibilities, not only can you achieve more, you can also inspire others to do the apparently impossible.
Read MoreWhat makes a boss most successful? A few years back Google undertook a study to find out the answer to that question. what makes a boss most successful. They were surprised by the results. This post shares not only what they found, but specific strategies that can help people deal with complex issues.
Read MoreMany people have difficulty with relationships. Seems that there is a lot of negativity going on. Yet, if asked, I'm sure you want to have positive relationships, whether at home or at work. Learn three simple secrets that can have a big influence on your relationships.
Read MoreWorking with leaders and with couples I often interact with people faced with making big decisions where the cost of being “wrong” can be substantial. Focusing on making the “right” decision can easily lead to paralysis. Learn 3 Ways to simplify you decision making process
Read MoreHands are the chief organs for physically manipulating the environment. Through the hands you express the love of doing, of forming for use, and of communicating and relating. On this busy month of December, What do your hands say and convey?
Read MoreEvery contact you have with your loved one is loaded with possibilities. There are two simple words that are so powerful it amazes me they are not used more often. Learn what they are and use them more frequently this month.
Read MoreHolidays are supposed to be happy family times, full of laughter and love. Yet, for many, it means stressful work. The more stress you pile up, the more you become grouchy with your co-workers, partner and children. Learn how to keep a positive spirit, it will be contagious.
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