The high cost of dwelling on the negative (and how to stop it)

In the psychology world, we use the term “rumination” to refer to negative, repetitive, prolonged, unhelpful thinking. This non-constructive form of rumination is of no help to anyone. With the right tools, you can nip rumination in the bud, and avoid the consequences of negative thought loops. On Today’s blog I want to give you those tools.

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The super power of words

The words you write or speak to others can leave a huge impact and create a lasting memory--either good or bad. It's super important to recognize the power of words and choose them wisely. You see, words can make or break a relationship. Your choice of words, and the way you express yourself, can accelerate or kill your career. Words have power!

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The courage to be vulnerable

Most everyone dislikes the idea of being vulnerable because it makes them think people will perceive them as weak and inept. See how vulnerability can actually be one of the best ways to engender trust and build relationships.

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Ada GonzalezComment
The power of heart

February is here. And everybody wants us to think about hearts and love. As with anything good, too much of it makes us either ignore it or hate it. But here is the thing. There is nothing more powerful in the world than the power of a heart full of love.

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Ada GonzalezComment