Are you one of the successful 8 percent?


Let me guess, you made some resolutions for this New Year. Maybe you want to lose weight, or just eat healthier. Perhaps you want to spend less money or spend more time with your friends and family. Maybe you want to stop procrastinating and finally start your own business. Or you are tired of constant arguments at home and want to relate in a more positive way with your partner. Whatever it is, Self-improvement, or at least the desire for it, is a shared American hobby.

Estimates say more than 40% of Americans make New Year's resolutions.  But for all the good intentions, only a tiny fraction keep their resolutions. University of Scranton research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New Year's goals.

Why do so many people fail at change, and what are the secrets behind those who succeed? Basically, the biggest reasons New Year's Resolutions don't stick are either because they are too general and unclear, because you are not totally committed to change, or because you don't understand your own "success glass ceiling" which affects you at every level of success.  

When you want to change and feel you can't, you feel stuck, and Stuck Sucks!

Do you feel you are. . .

  • . . . too busy to focus on your own development?

  • . . . fearful of jumping to the next level of success?

  • . . . dealing with too much stress and pressure?

  • . . . tired of failing?

These are just a few examples of habits of mind that can result in “business or relationship suicide” even for the most capable professional.



Imagine if you could change the way you think and act by easily rewiring some of your brain pathways. Imagine you are practicing for the opening of a great car race. You are checking and rechecking your car's mechanism and your mental status,  perfecting your runs so that on race day you become a great force to contend with, unstoppable!

I have good news for you:

You can change anything and you can start right now!

Have you been trying to change instead of changing? What keeps you stuck are old habits of mind. Brain scan studies have PROVEN you can RESET and strengthen the key areas in your brain that control your conscious AND subconscious...and every personal and business decision you make. This requires applying your whole brain–training methodologies, technologies AND feelings–in the right you can replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck.

There are 5 easy life-changing strategies you need to apply in order to succeed with change. There are important, powerful strategies for making change easier and effective. These strategies will help you get to transformation.

To make it easier to remember, I have used the acronym RESET.





Time & Action

Here is what each of the 5 strategies includes:


The first step in reinventing yourself is knowing where you are in the continuum of readiness. If you are just contemplating change, it’s useless to make a specific resolution for change. You need to be convinced that you need to change NOW. Your mind has to be ready to make a focused, no barrels hold, commitment to change. The clearer you are about the change you want to make, the easier it will be. 


Fear, negativity, and uncertainty. They are roadblocks in the transformation journey. Instead, use the power of your imagination and dream boldly. You have to see yourself exhibiting the new mentality and behaviors and what is possible. Taste the success. Dream big. Enjoy fully not only the end result but every step of the way.


Change requires work, but it has to be intelligent work, not just busy work. That’s why you need a strategy. To achieve real behavior change, and facilitate the strengthening of the connections in your brain, you have to know how to set and pursue goals with decisive action and focus. The more simple and clear you make your strategy the easier it will be to change.

According to psychologist Lynn Bufka, it's more sensible to set "small, attainable goals throughout the year, rather than a singular, overwhelming goal." No matter the extent of the change you seek, if you strategize one step at a time, you’ll succeed.

Engage fully 

This means engaging both sides of your brain for successful change.

First, you need to plan carefully. This engages your analytical side. A good specific plan facilitates success.

For example, a resolution to lose some weight is not that easy to follow.

It is much easier to follow a plan that says: “I will say no potato chips, fries, and ice cream for six weeks."

And be specific. Don't say, I’m going to start a gym membership. Instead set a clear goal, like: “I will attend a weekly spin class,” or “I will lift weights every Tuesday and Thursday.”

If you can't measure it, it's not a very good resolution because vague goals beget vague results.

Second, listen to, understand, and consider your emotions. Finding ways to make them your ally instead of your enemy. This relates to your intuitive side and your emotional centers. It includes finding social support and making yourself accountable. Share your goals with your friends and family. It's another way to build accountability. Or participate in a FB group in which everyone shares their goals and the strategies that are helping them achieve them.

Time and Action

Hang in there! To be successful at changing anything you need time and action to keep repeating the new behavior, no matter how difficult it is, until it is not hard anymore.

Don’t stop until it becomes easy, until it becomes an automatic habit. That is the only way to reset your brain creating new patterns, new habits, a new mindset, and a new future!

You also need to believe in your success every day, so you will not give up. 

To be clear: Simply setting a goal does raise your chances of achieving that goal, significantly.

But within weeks or months, people begin abandoning their resolutions as they hit bumps in the road that throw them off their stride.

More often than not, people who fail to keep their resolutions blame their own lack of willpower.

In surveys, these would-be resolvers repeatedly say that if only they had more self-determination, they would've overcome any hurdles and achieved their goals.

But writing at the Los Angeles Times, Berdik points to an emerging body of research that shows that willpower is malleable.

In one study led by a Stanford University psychologist, scientists gauged whether test subjects believed they could exhaust their willpower, and sought to convince them otherwise.

The researchers found that people "performed better or worse [on tests] depending on their belief in the durability of willpower."

That's where your "change glass ceiling" comes into play.

You have as much willpower as you think you have. This means that on some level, your journey toward self-improvement will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Here is the thing, in order to help you be part of the 8% that succeed at change, you need help and accountability.

That’s why I have designed a “RESET your brain for success” mini-program intensive live training. The intensive training will give you access once a week to a module with the strategies.  During this live event, I will share with you advice, cutting–edge research and proven you can RESET your brain to work in CONGRUENCE with your whole brain and heart to help you achieve your goals. We will use a hands-on laboratory practical style and you will start moving forward immediately!

You will not only learn how to RESET your mind, I will take you by the hand and show you how it works. You will get away from limiting beliefs, and learn to think and act like a successful professional so you can develop the habits of mind that will let you craft the business and life you want.

But here is the thing. Because this is a very "hands on" intensive training, I'm opening it only to 25 persons starting on . If you want to be able to get one of the coveted seats, you need to act IMMEDIATELY.  To find out more about the program and register, simply CLICK HERE


Ada GonzalezComment