
Peace, is it possible?

The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, the General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.” 

Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

Peace on earth has to begin with your own internal peace. You can only contribute to peace if you cultivate peace with yourself and with those around you. Be especially mindful of keeping peace this week.

When your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned, you can feel at peace with who you are and your purpose to the world.

A daily practice of appreciating nature is one of the most beneficial activities you can do to find inner peace.

Individually you might think there is not much you can do about global peace. And many despair of peace being even possible. Maybe that’s true at a global level. Yet, maybe you can encourage peace in yourself, within your family, and within your organization.

Here are some ideas for observing Peace Day:

  • Designate a family meal or a department or organizational meal during the week of Septembers 17-21 as a "Feast for Peace" and join the global movement! Simply set aside a meal to "Celebrate the peace we have and contemplate the work to be done in the smaller family/work circle, the community, the country, and the globe". Learn more and join at

  • Express and share in creative ways the message: "May peace prevail on earth." For ideas and understanding about how this simple, but powerful wish started, check:

  • Each September, Roots & Shoots groups from around the world celebrate Roots & Shoots and honor the International Day of Peace. Dr. Jane has been a UN Messenger of Peace since 2002 and she inspires us all to live in harmony with nature and each other. Here is a link to a lot of creative ideas from this group: Roots and Shoots

  • Compassion games. Fun and creative ways to ignite and catalyze compassionate action in communities around the world are available here: You might ignite your imagination and find other ways to do compassion games in your workplace.

  • You can challenge yourself, your family, and your workplace to eliminate this week all unkind words and only use positive, uplifting, and peaceful communication.

  • You could host a communication workshop that will help decrease conflicts and increase cooperation and peace.

  • You could join a peace initiative in your city or county.

As you see, only your imagination is the limit for what you can do individually for peace. Just be conscious this week of finding peace within you, and sharing it with those around you.

Remember. . .

Whatever you choose to do, please pause on September 21st at 12 Noon local time and join people all across the globe in a Minute of Silence/Moment of Peace.