Assessment Solutions
I provide assessment solutions for HR and OD, as well as for executive coaching and leadership development. I'm qualified and licensed to administer and interpret several assessments including Brain PathWays (The neuroscience of you), the full scope of IPAT psychological assessment tools, and the Myers Briggs Temperament Inventory (MBTI).
Myers Briggs Temperament Inventory (MBTI)
The BrainPathWays test and report is ideal for understanding the new practical neuroscience of leadership. It's a short and accurate on-line test for the busy professional (takes about 15 minutes). You will achieve breakthrough insights and practical application tools for: accelerated learning, stress, effective communication, problem-solving, decision making, retention, and team effectiveness. Besides a 14 pages report you will receive a complimentary coaching session for better understanding and to answer your questions.
The underlying assumption of the MBTI is that we all have specific preferences in the way we construe our experiences, and these preferences underline our interests, needs values and motivation. It measures normal preferences based on four principal psychological functions by which humans experience the world – sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. four principal psychological functions by which humans experience the world – sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. The test was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers based on the typological theory proposed by Carl Jung. It's widely use in business settings because it easily help people understand themselves and others, and there are many supporting books, websites and other useful sources which are readily available to the general public.
IPAT psychological assessment tools
The IPAT psychological assessment tools and interpretive reports are based on their 16PF® Questionnaire (16 Personality Factors). They are proven contributors to better decisions about people - from screening and selecting for employment to evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of an executive for personal and professional growth. It can also include a measure of Emotional Intelligence, so necessary for the leader of the 21st century.
16PF® Competency Report
This standardized report addresses 20 competencies that are most commonly used across different organizations. It provides a broad view of an individual’s job-related qualities and attributes. The competency feedback, combined with the provided structured interview questions, enables a close examination of an individual’s personality and preferences which then facilitates the matching of individuals with job requirements.
The respondent’s likely performance on each of the 20 competencies is presented in a bar graph. Results are based upon a 5-point scale ranging from “poor fit” to “excellent fit” to chart the individual’s predicted performance.
The following information is provided for each competency:
Description of the competency to assist those not familiar with the terminology
Predicted performance on the competency (using the 5-point bar graph)
Narrative description of the relationship between the competency and the 16PF results, with a graphical indicator as to whether the relationship is positive, negative, or balanced/moderate
Individualized development tips that are keyed to the person’s 16PF profile
16PF® Career Development Report
The Career Development Report (CDR) facilitates discussion with individuals on how their personal strengths can lead to both career and personal success. It can be used for Career and Personal Counseling; Employee and Manager Development; Selection and Placement; Career Transition Coaching; Leadership and Executive Coaching.
A narrative interpretation of the individual’s personality information that is presented in a positive tone, emphasizing personal strengths. The section includes:
Problem-Solving Resources
Patterns for Coping with Stressful Conditions
Interpersonal Interaction Styles
Organizational Role and Work-Setting Preferences
Career Activity Interests
Specific Career Field and Occupational Interests
Personal Career Lifestyle Effectiveness Considerations (areas for self-improvement)
16PF® Leadership Coaching Report
The LCR facilitates the developmental process of individuals desiring to become more effective leaders by:
Increasing awareness and understanding of their personal behavioral traits,
Identifying areas for development, and
Providing developmental strategies to increase effectiveness.
The 16PF Leadership Coaching Report is designed for use by the participant as he/she begins the leadership development process. First, the participant’s personal gifts and limits are identified through a comparison of his/her behavioral style to that of successful leaders.
The report then discusses how these gifts and limits can have both positive and negative behavioral implications, depending upon the leadership role. Next, the participant is provided with suggestions on how to leverage his/her strengths for improved effectiveness. Possible areas for development are identified along with targeted practice activities and resources (books, workshops, seminars, etc.) that can be integrated into the developmental action plan.
The report draws upon over 50 years of 16PF research to assess the leadership participant’s Problem-Solving Ability and five key personality dimensions – Influence, Emotional Resilience, Extraversion, Practicality, and Self-Control. Through a comparison of the participant’s behavioral style to successful leaders, personal gifts and limits are identified, defined, and then explained through behavioral examples, including how a strength in one situation may be a limitation in another.
16PF® Management Potential Report
Assesses leadership and management potential by analyzing the personality dimensions associated with success in a broad range of managerial settings, and projecting how the examinee might be expected to function. It can be used for Management Selection and Placement; Individual Development; and Career Counseling.
This report provides insights into the examinee’s personality (organized around the five management dimensions listed below), describes personal strengths, identifies areas for potential growth and development, and addresses key questions pertinent to each dimension.
It includes a graphical presentation of the Primary Factor Scale scores that comprise each of the five management dimensions:
Leadership: Assertive, Facilitative, Permissive, Leadership Potential, Dominance
Interacting with Others: Extraversion, Warmth, Liveliness, Social Boldness, Self-Reliance, Privateness
Making Decisions: Reasoning, Creativity, Tough-Mindedness, Sensitivity, Abstractedness
Initiative: Independence, Openness to Change, Rule-Consciousness, Perfectionism, SelfControl
Personal Adjustment: Anxiety, Emotional Adjustment, Emotional Stability, Vigilance
16PF® Teamwork Development Report
This report is for adults about to enter a teamwork environment, or currently working within a team, the TDR describes implications of personality data for behavior in teamwork settings. The report can be used for development of individuals and/or teams.
The report includes a narrative interpretation of the respondent’s personality information as it relates to teamwork, the text is organized around the Global Factor scales, with statements describing the person’s distinctive scores on the primary personality factor scales that make up each Global Factor scale. This section also includes ideas for development based upon the individual’s personality profile.
When an entire team is assessed, a team summary section provides a group-level summary of the team’s 16PF information to help the team developer understand the personality dynamics within the team.
Emotional Judgment Inventory
The eJi is a brief measure of emotional intelligence designed to enhance the employee selection process by providing insight into an applicant’s tendency to recognize and effectively use emotional information. It is also useful in professional development and placement applications as a tool to increase self-awareness.
The dimensions of Emotional Intelligence assessed are:
Being Aware of Emotions: Devoting mental resources to attend to and be conscious of one’s own and others’ feelings through both verbal and non-verbal cues.
Identifying Own Emotions: Knowing one’s own mood generally, as well as distinguishing between similar specific emotions one is experiencing.
Identifying Others’ Emotions: Knowing how others feel in general, as well as distinguishing between similar specific emotions in others.
Managing Own Emotions: Adaptively managing one’s own emotions; this may include strategies and techniques to elevate negative moods or dampen overly positive moods.
Managing Others’ Emotions: Adaptively managing others’ emotions; this may include strategies and techniques to elevate negative moods or dampen overly positive moods.
Using Emotions in Problem Solving: Identifying and incorporating emotional information into planning, interpersonal interactions, motivation, decision making, and other problem-solving tasks.
Expressing Emotions Adaptively: Adaptively communicating how one feels to achieve a desired outcome.
Personnel Reaction Blank
The PRB is an assessment of integrity that is used to screen applicants for entry-level positions. it is a valid predictor of whether the candidate will exhibit dependable and reliable workplace behavior (high scores) or counterproductive behavior (low scores).
The PRB is useful in settings where dependability, conscientiousness, diligence, and restraint are desirable qualities in an organization’s employees.
The PRB yields a valid and reliable composite score, the Personal Reliability Index, which is the best overall indicator of counterproductive behavior. The Personal Reliability Index is based on covert personality-type items that assess:
Prosocial Background - High-scorers report positive feelings about their current life, whereas Low-scorers express doubt and disappointment
Compliance with Social Norms – High-scorers view their early life as happy and satisfying; Low-scorers have mostly negative and dissatisfying recollections
Sense of Well-Being – High-scorers describe themselves as ruleabiding and disciplined, whereas Low scorers report more rule-breaking and non-conformist tendencies
Conventional Occupational Preferences – Respondents register their “like” or “dislike” toward a variety of occupations, including unusual, dangerous, and dead-end jobs.
Historically, the PRB has been validated in different cultures and countries, with similar reliabilities and validities as found in the United States. Thus, one of the major strengths of the PRB is its transportability across jobs, settings, organizations, industries, cultures, and countries.