When I'm not working with people. . .
I like to juggle work, leisure, spirituality, fun, mind stretching pursuits, music (I'm a classically trained pianist), crafts, and friendships. Better yet if I can combine several of them at once! I love traveling anywhere, and by any means, sometimes with no place in particular as my destination.
I especially enjoy spending time with my 2 adult sons and their loved ones (who have certainly challenged me to keep growing!). Since one lives in California and the other one in Florida whenever I spend time with them I can also indulge in my love for travel. Because my only granddaughter is in Florida, no doubt I go there more often!
Because I was born in an island, never far from the ocean, I get my best ideas and spend my best moments in life by the sea, lulled by the sound of the surf. If that is not feasible, any body of water would do for me.
Maybe the combination of change and predictability found in the waves and waterways, together with the constancy and rhythm that carves change one small step at a time, helps me to better think about and understand the process of change.
Change begins. . .
When you open your eyes to possibilities
When you feel the excitement of the new
When you dream fresh scenarios with bold visions
And then plan for the journey with foresight.
When you start taking action with strong purpose
When you take measured steps without dismay
When you dare to reach high for inspiration
When you learn and take risks, enjoying all!
-- Dr. Ada Gonzalez, 2004
Part of the old Roman Way by Vallorbe, Switzerland that people of old took to travel over the alps to go to Rome. The big roots the many carts carved over time on the rock is evidence that change happens! Loved walking on that ancient route and imagining how many others did the same!
I strongly believe. . .
you were born to be in relations, and to change and grow throughout your life!
your brain is capable of learning and evolving all through the life cycle.
you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
you are worth more than most people believe. Knowing your value inspires you to change for the best.
as a leader, it is imperative that you guide your organization in constantly rebuilding itself so that it can keep learning, changing, and transforming into the future.
you have a natural path for relating to others and for change. Discovering that natural path facilitates relationships and change, while ignoring it can set you up for failure.
you can turn conflict into collaboration if you put your effort into it and learn the skills to make it possible.
you need to understand change and relationships as a holistic process that encompasses mind, body, spirit, and emotions.
you need to envision how you want you, your business, and relationships to be. Then align your vision with your heart’s meaning system, and take decisive action toward your goals.
change is easier when you are open to dialogue and collaboration with others.
the new millennium requires leading and relating through conversations.