The Meaning of Logos Noesis

I chose Logos Noesis® as the name for my business because of its meaning. Logos is a Greek word with an extraordinary range of meanings. It refers to a "word" or a "thought," a spoken phrase or an idea which conveys something meaningful and “alive,” like a stream of meaning. It thus moves the hearer.

Noesis, also from the Greek, refers to wisdom in its most complete form. It is knowledge and understanding. It applies in particular to moral and spiritual issues. It’s the ability to know something deeply. It includes the intuitive capacity of the brain to combine perception, feelings, “soul” and thought, to come up with an instant wise “insight.”

Thus, in Logos Noesis you have active words (or language) -- or a stream of meaning -- and whole brain wisdom combining to produce a Wise Dialogue that can take us to places we have not even imagine. This is the kind of Transformative Conversations that Logos Noesis encourages and facilitates.

Logos Noesis is a different name, and I offer a different way of working with communication and change. I will help you meet your specific challenges and align executive behavior to your day-to-day needs. Thus your business and your people will be ready to work better together. You will be more effective at:

  • Creating a culture of open communication
  • Conducting more effective meetings with actionable results
  • Implementing and facilitating change effectively
  • Interacting more comfortably and appropriately with international colleagues
  • Having more collaboration through the organization
  • Increasing productivity and revenue

What people say about Logos Noesis

I value what others have to say about the their success with the programs that Logos Noesis offers. Here is a sampler of comments:

Core Concepts

We work with several core concepts that give focus to our work: Dialogue, collaboration, unity and synergy in diversity, and transformative change. 

Intellectual Heritage

Logos Noesis draws upon the growing body of Organizational Behavior theory and practice that has developed during the past 50 years.  The most relevant ones for our work are: Systems-related theory and methodology, Dialogic Consultation, Dialogue, and The Five Disciplines of the Learning Organization.