The Intimacy Builder Blueprint® program
A Program for couples who want to leave conflict and negativity behind and embrace understanding, positive emotions, and heart connection.
Are you in a constant power struggle with your partner—arguing more than connecting?
Has your sex life stalled? Is sex a distant memory?
Do you look over at your spouse and wonder where the excitement and deep love went?
You deserve better! Extraordinary Relationship Happiness is possible!
You can learn The 3’Cs of Intimacy—Commitment, Communication, & Connection—
To get there, you both need to:
embrace a total commitment to transforming your relationship by leaving your hesitation behind, letting go of the need for control, and welcoming in a new level of closeness.
ditch tearing each other down and allow for more pleasure in your lives by focusing your energy and intention into creating positivity, connection, and intimacy.
get a clear vision of where you are now, where you want to be, what’s been stopping you, and how to get there.
No matter if. . .
You are new in a relationship and struggling or have been together for years and struggling;
You are busy professionals wondering how to balance the time and energy needed for your relationship or are retired and have too much time on your hands;
You don’t know how to get out of the negative spiral you have fallen into and fear your relationship might be over;
I understand your fears, struggles, and hesitations. You’re in the right place!
I know you are tired of struggling and want to recapture and develop the intimate, happy relationship of your dreams.
You have tried on your own to dissolve the entanglements and release the negativity. Yet, the transition back to love is hard, and you’re exhausted and feeling as if your energy is being wasted on trying to save your relationship. You feel spent instead of passionately in love. Every day leaves you wondering: “Where did our love go?
I’m Dr. Ada Gonzalez, a Relationship expert who has successfully worked with thousands of couples over 30+ years. My success is evident in the fact that eighty percentage of couples who work with me turn their relationships around. My clients report greater satisfaction, more pleasure, less stress not just in their love lives but in their lives in general.
I work with couples, online or face-to-face. Couples learn how to turn their relationship around and develop an extraordinarily happy love life. As a heart-connection coach, I help couples transform their relationship. I’m on a mission to eradicate negativity and conflict from relationships and bring back the spark of connection and intimacy.
How I know I can help you?
I have extraordinary training and experience
I have an MA in Developmental Psychology, post-graduate training as a Marriage and Family Therapist, and my PhD is in Interdisciplinary Studies, with emphasis on coaching, change, and dialogue.
I’m committed to helping couples learn to communicate in positive loving ways that eliminates the arguing, allows for connection so that passion and intimacy increase, and fosters a commitment to trust so power struggles and fear stop.
I use methods rooted in human development, and psychology. I share proven techniques from the field of marriage and relationship therapy and the new field of brain neuropsychology.
After building a marriage and life my partner and I love, I now support my clients to transform their own relationships into one of clear communication, loving connection, and faithful commitment.
It took me a failed marriage to understand couples even better.
For 27 years I was in a very joyless marriage where the only plus side were my two children. Being a relationship expert already I tried everything I thought I knew to make things better. No matter how hard I tried, nothing worked!
I could help others, but I didn’t seem to be able to help myself. Until I realized that in a relationship, both people needed to be willing to commit to showing up, owning your own issues, and growing up together. My ex-husband was not willing to do that. Therefore, I finally recognized I needed to leave our relationship.
It was not easy to feel I had fail at what I was an expert in. Yet, fast forward several years to what are the best years in my life. I met a wonderful man who was committed to us showing up, owning up, and growing up together. We have been married for almost 10 years now and our connection, joy, and intimacy only gets better each year.
Choosing total commitment and trust, open communication and intimacy, and making connection and passion a priority has made a world of difference.
You get to experience the result!
That’s how Your Hearts Connected: 3C’s Intimacy Program was born. Now that I have found how an extraordinary love relationship is possible by combining my knowledge, training, and years of working with couples with my personal experience, I want to share it with the world!
Dare to dream again!
My signature program, The Intimacy Builder Blueprint® program is for couples who want to leave conflict and negativity behind and embrace understanding, positive emotions, and a passionate heart connection.
It is a unique coaching package. I teach the basic knowledge and practical skills that can help you rewrite your love story. Having the right mindset and attitude is the foundation of any happy relationship. Clients that were stuck thinking that a happy relationship wasn’t even an option for them anymore, have now an extraordinarily happy one after working the program.
The Intimacy Builder Blueprint® program is for couples that want to recapture or develop connected, healthy, and happy relationships. Having the right mindset and attitude is the foundation of any happy relationship.
This is a 6 months long program. It is for you if you want to take responsibility for your actions.
This program is for you if. . .
you are currently so busy that you hardly talk to each other, or take time for fun and sex anymore.
your relationship has morphed into something that feels like on the best days you are living with a roommate that is practically a stranger and on the worst days as if you are living with the enemy!
you are committed to your relationships and to do your best to learn to get along and be happy.
you are committed to work through each module before our weekly check up call so that we can concentrate on coaching you through the challenges you have encounter while working on the module.
You will learn the basic knowledge and practical skills that can help you rewrite your love story.
How is The Intimacy Builder Blueprint® Program different?
The 3C’s Intimacy Program is not your typical relationship coaching program. I’ll show you how you can start focusing on what works and move from negative to positive from the beginning! Don’t lose another moment! Here is what you will gain:
Mind-Shift. Creating a fabulous relationship requires a mind-shift. We will focus on what YOU can change, not on what you want your partner to change. We’ll work together to empower you for long-lasting relationship happiness and success.
Brain power. Your brains and attitude helps or hinders your relationships. You will learn amazing strategies for calming your brain, focusing on each other, and connecting heart-to-heart. You will see how it all applies to your specific issues and relationship.
Fear busting. Conscious or unconscious fear of intimacy can sabotage your relationship. You will learn to be vulnerable and share from your heart.
Let go. Hanging unto bad habits of communicating and relating doesn’t work. Keeping a score card of past wrongs quenches your love. You will learn how to let go of what doesn’t work and establish new healthy habits of relating.
Personal satisfaction. Taking responsibility for managing your own issues instead of complaining and criticizing what the other person is doing wrong or not doing right will make you more self-confident.
Freedom. You will enjoy the freedom that having control of your emotional life brings. You will learn simple techniques to enjoy a healthy emotional life where you both will focus on developing acceptance, kindness, compassion, and positive action.
Passionate connection. A reawakening of physical touch and good sexual connection that strengthens your bond of love.
Key Features of the program:
This intensive 3C's intimacy program is 6 months long, and has 24 weekly modules filled with information, suggestions, questions, and tips. You will gain knowledge and practical skills for having a more intimate relationship. Be prepared to explore, practice, and change. In our 6 months together, you and your partner will focus intensively on your relationship. Here is the general outline of what you will learn:
Month one: Choose to face the truth of where you are, what have you tried, and where you want to be. You can’t move forward until you are willing to take personal responsible for facing reality and initiating personal change. This means to face what needs to be faced, see what needs to be seen, hear what needs to be heard, feel what needs to be felt, and do what needs to be done. No ifs, and, or buts allowed. It works every time! This includes an assessment with an extensive report that will show you in black and white where you are as a couple and what you need to work on.
Month two: Choose commitment and trust to build up and heal instead of tearing down and depleting your love bank. Commit to giving priority to your relationship. Learn how to focus more on the positive to grow your “emotional bank.” Practice what works for you as a couple (instead of focusing on what does not work). Substitute complaining, criticizing, and fault finding with tolerance, kindness, and positive action for a more open and happy relationship. Take responsibility for your own issues.
Month three: Choose open communication instead of defensiveness. Learn communication and listening skills for creating mutual understanding. Practice how to say what you mean and mean what you say. Choose to reveal yourself fully, honestly, and directly in a way that invites support and interaction instead of eliciting defensiveness, conflict, and anger. Learn to listen by focusing your whole attention and making sure you understand the meaning behind the words. Share stories and dreams.
Month four: Choose intimacy instead of distance. Learn how to be “emotionally naked” and share the whole of you, not only what you think the other wants to hear. Learn to do this with tact and love. Learn what real authenticity is and how it can transform your relationship.
Month five: Choose connection instead of rejection. Learn how to deal with conflict in a constructive way. Understand the art of negotiation and compromising in a fair way. Learn how to forgive and be more accepting and respectful. Be connected partners instead of resentful roommates. Share more positive affection, admiration and connecting actions. Experience more closeness and attachment.
Month six: Choose passion instead of shame. Physical touch and good sexual connection strengthens the bond of love. Don’t cheat yourself and your partner by withholding physical intimacy as punishment. Learn how to put the sizzle back into your sex life by learning practical insights on how to warm up and add spice to sex. It starts way before foreplay!
Here is a graphic that gives you a bird-view of the program.
It’s time to commit to a fabulous intimate heart connection love life!
By taking part in this program you will get:
Amazing insights and a brand new outlook on your relationship when you are willing to show up, own up, and grow up.
It’s unlimited! You get access to all the program content, including any future updates of the program.
A live Q & A telephone session every week where not only questions will be answered, but where you can be coached on your present challenges.
Training videos with PDF’s of the content of the 24 modules. It includes worksheets with questions, suggestions, and tips.
Lifetime access to my Facebook Page (well as long as Facebook is in existence) “JoyfullyUs” where I regularly post valuable tips you can use to keep your relationship always fresh and joyful.
What are you waiting for then?
This step-by-step program is only for professional couples who are serious about committing to taking time for their relationship and creating an extraordinary heart-connected love life. If you are willing to work on obtaining that “forever feeling” of love and to go full-steam ahead to prepare for a lifetime of extraordinary happiness in only 6 months, this is for you!
I know exactly what it takes to succeed in life and in relationships!
I’ve got an MA in educational and developmental psychology.
I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
I have a PhD in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on coaching, dialogue, and change.
I see opportunities for change and growth everywhere I look. My training and experience shows that you can rekindle your love and turn your relationship into the deep heart connection love you have always dreamt of having!
Schedule right now one of my coveted 30 minutes exploration call to see if you are a good fit for the program and to explore how you can get access to it.